FIO Wallet
2.1K installs
Description by FIO Wallet
Connect with MetaMask to FIO Protocol App to register your FREE custom FIO Handle and map it to all your crypto public addresses. FIO Protocol makes crypto easier. You can replace all your public wallet addresses with a single, secure, customizable handle and make any transaction, on any chain, as easy as sending an email. FIO Handles work across many leading wallets and exchanges. With the FIO Protocol App you can also send and receive crypto payment requests and even sign NFTs to assert your ownership. FIO Handles are now supported inside MetaMask. Head over to FIO App to register your FREE FIO Handle: Please note: FIO handles are only compatible with MetaMask Extension version 12.4.2 and up. Please make sure you are on the latest version of the MetaMask Extension before adding this Snap to MetaMask.
Permissions by FIO Wallet
Manage FIO accounts
Allow websites to communicate with FIO Wallet
Access the internet
Display dialog windows in MetaMask
Provide domain and address lookups