< 1K installs

Description by AuthFlow
AuthFlow manages both basic and verifiable credentials, and requires that Identify Snap is installed as a pre-requisite. There are two entry points, the homepage UI and the JSON-RPC API. Via the Snap homepage: - Store basic credentials - 'Store New Passwords' - Delete a basic credential - 'Delete Single Password' - Delete all basic credentials - 'Delete All Passwords' - Display basic credentials - 'Show All Passwords' - Display verifiable credentials - 'Get All Verifiable Credentials' - Delete all stored verifiable credentials - 'Delete All Verifiable Credentials' - Delete a single verifiable credential - 'Delete One Verifiable Credential' - Rename a verifiable credential with a friendly name - 'Rename Verifiable Credential' - Create a verifiable presentation with a comma separated list of verifiable credential names - 'Create Verifiable Presentation' - Create a sample verifiable credential - 'Create Sample Verifiable Credential' - Sync AuthFlow and Identify records of verifiable credentials - 'Sync With Identify' Via the JSON-RPC API - Send a basic credential to a dapp given a friendly name as input - 'getBasicCreds' - Send a verifiable credential to a dapp given a friendly name as input - 'getVerifiableCreds' - Create a verifiable presentation from a comma separated list of verifiable credentials and send to a dapp - 'Create Verifiable Presentation'.
Permissions by AuthFlow
Allow other Snaps to communicate directly with AuthFlow
Allow websites to communicate with AuthFlow
Access the Ethereum provider
Display dialog windows in MetaMask
Connect to npm:@tuum-tech/identify
Display a custom screen
Store and manage its data on your device